Хорошо помню, что я очень волновалась за день до того, как нам нужно было их забирать из приюта. Как изменится наша жизнь? Не будет ли слишком тяжело и непривычно, не пожалеем ли мы? Запах? Кошачьи болезни? Царапины? Как уехать в отпуск? Финансовые расходы? И многие еще вопросы и сомнения вертелись в голове… Сейчас, после почти 3х лет вместе, могу сказать, что наши коты – это ежедневное счастье для всех нас…
Purr, purr, purr. My cat and I are sleeping, my cat in my chair, me in my bed.
My mom and I came back from Belarus and we have a cat in Belarus, so when we came back my mom and I started looking around and it seemed like hundreds of cats were prancing around under the kitchen table. That’s when we realized that we couldn’t live without a cat.
We had to wait for a couple weeks before we could go to the animal shelter though, then on a Saturday, we finally drove to the animal shelter, I was so excited!
When we arrived at the animal shelter we found a few cages with cats we could possibly take. The first cage was two black and white kittens that just stared at us really ‘hopefully’ (o_o), the second cage were two 1 year old cats that I really liked and they were looking at me really ‘friendly’ but Mom and Dad didn’t really like them. Then, in a third cage there was a family of 5 kittens, there used to be 7 but someone took 2 of the boys which left only 1 boy and 4 girls. We decided to look at the boy, who was a sandy color, and at one of the girls, who had a tortoise design (black and orange).
They were super playful and fun so we decided to take them. But we couldn’t take them so easily, we had to wait till the animal shelter spayed and neutered them (because they were only 2 months old). Finally, on Wednesday or Friday I came home from school they were lying on a mat in my parent’s bathroom. I was SO excited, I was waiting for this forever and they were finally here! The reason they were in my parent’s bathroom is that the people at the animal shelter said they had to be in a small enclosed space for about a week to get used to the fact that they were in a house. The funny thing is that they were walking around the whole house in about 30 minutes. Then, in about a month they were able to walk outside on their own from breakfast, to lunch.
We decided to name them Day & Night because Day was really sandy and light, and Night is kind of dark and shady. Also, we wanted to name them matching names because they were brother and sister. My mom and my brother wanted to name them Watson and Mystery because Day looked really smart like Watson from Sherlock Holmes, and (like I said) Night was kind of shady and ’mysterious’.
Now, they are 1 year old and sleep with us almost every night keeping us warm, Day sleeps with me, and Night sleeps with Mom and Dad.